Ulster Way


  1. Name Ulster Way
  2. Distancia de sendero 1,006 km, 625 millas
  3. Duración en días 50 días
  4. Inicio de sendero Belfast
  5. Fin de sendero Belfast
  6. Clasificación Traildino MW, Caminata moderada, sendero de mochileros
  7. Clasificación Travesía de refugios T1, Caminata

The Ulster Way encircles Ulster. Small parts are in the Republic of Ireland.

Select some tracks
Ulster Way, 203km
.Ulster Way Link Sections, 349km
.Lecale Way (Ulster Way Section), 57km
Ring of Gullion Way
.Ring of Gullion Way - Section 1, 8.8km
.Cuilcagh Way, 29km
.North Sperrins Way (Ulster Way Section), 49km
.Causeway Coast Way, 49km
.Moyle Way, 45km
.Ulster Way (Newry Canal section), 28km


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  • The Mournes Walks
  • Newly revised and updated. Where the mountains of Mourne sweep down to the sea They sweep down to the sea, they rise in huge heathery humps, surrounded by farmlands divided into tiny, stone-walled fields. Explore the Mournes in the company of walking expert Paddy Dillon, taking in rugged coast, high mountains and forest parks. Follow the... Leer más
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  • Wandelgids The Mournes Walks | O'Brien Press
  • Newly revised and updated. Where the mountains of Mourne sweep down to the sea They sweep down to the sea, they rise in huge heathery humps, surrounded by farmlands divided into tiny, stone-walled fields. Explore the Mournes in the company of walking expert Paddy Dillon, taking in rugged coast, high mountains and forest parks. Follow the... Leer más
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  • The Peasants and the Mariners
  • Storytellers, said Walter Benjamin, are descended from one of two tribes: the mariners or the peasants. We revel in the stories of the sailors, with their lure of exotic places and the treasures a mariner brings home. We hearken to the stories of the peasants for a glimmer of the past, best revealed to natives and landed people. Brian Bouldrey,... Leer más
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