

  1. Name Krönungsweg (HWW10)
  2. Distancia de sendero 133 km, 83 millas
  3. Duración en días 7 días
  4. Inicio de sendero Bonn
  5. Fin de sendero Aachen
  6. Clasificación Traildino EW, Paseo fácil, sendero en la naturaleza

Krönungsweg, Simonskall

Krönungsweg, Hauptwanderweg 10 Eifelverein, HWW10, Bonn-Aachen, 133 km, 7 days

The Krönungsweg connects Bonn with Aachen, running in the northern parts of the Eifel, an attractive mountain area in West Germany bordering on Belgium and Luxembourg. Highlights are Kermeter, a high part of the Eifel with a large deciduous forest. The trail is maintained and documented by the Eifelverein.

Select some tracks
Aachen-Frankfurter Heerstraße, 8.6km
Krönungsweg, 140km


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