Hotzenwald Querweg


  1. Name Hotzenwald Querweg
  2. Distancia de sendero 46 km, 29 millas
  3. Duración en días 2 días
  4. Inicio de sendero Schopfheim
  5. Fin de sendero Waldshut
  6. Clasificación Traildino EW, Paseo fácil, sendero en la naturaleza

Hotzenwald Querweg

Hotzenwald Querweg, Schopfheim – Waldshut, 45 km, 2 days.

Like the Hochrhein Höhenweg, this short path runs on the south side of the Black Forest. It starts in Schopfheim and then runs eastward to the Rhine, in Waldshut. Woods and fields alternate. The path crosses some deeply ingrained riverbeds. There are views of the Jura and the Alps.

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Hotzenwald-Querweg, 47km


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